Public holidays in Macau

Public holidays in Macau are dates assigned by the Government of Macau allowing the public administration staff to rest instead of working. The current rest days of the Macau government are Saturdays and Sundays; while public holidays basically include traditional Chinese holidays, western and Catholic festivals as well as Macanese local festivals.
[edit]Date | English name | Local Chinese name | Local Portuguese name |
January 1 | New Year's Day | 元旦 | Fraternidade Universal |
Last day of last year (Lunar) | Chinese New Year's Eve | 除夕 | Véspera do Novo Ano Lunar |
1st day of 1st month (Lunar) | Chinese New Year's Day | 農曆正月初一 | 1.º dia do 1.º mês do Novo Ano Lunar |
2nd day of 1st month (Lunar) | Second day of Chinese New Year's Day | 農曆正月初二 | 2.º dia do 1.º mês do Novo Ano Lunar |
3rd day of 1st month (Lunar) | Third day of Chinese New Year's Day | 農曆正月初三 | 3.º dia do 1.º mês do Novo Ano Lunar |
April 5 (April 4 in leap years) | Ching Ming Festival | 清明節 | Cheng Ming (Dia de Finados) |
2 days before Easter (see Computus) | Good Friday | 耶穌受難日 | Morte de Cristo |
Day before Easter | Holy Saturday | 復活節前日 | Sábado de Aleluia |
May 1 | Labour Day | 勞動節 | Dia do Trabalhador |
8th day of 4th month (Lunar) | Buddha's Birthday | 佛誕節 | Dia do Buda |
5th day of 5th month (Lunar) | Tuen Ng Festival (Dragon Boat Festival) | 端午節 | Tung Ng (Barco Dragão) |
16th day of 8th month (Lunar) | Day following the Mid-Autumn Festival | 中秋節翌日 | Dia seguinte ao Chong Chao (Bolo Lunar) |
October 1 | National Day | 中華人民共和國國慶 | Implantação da República Popular da China |
October 2 | Day following the National Day of the People's Republic of China | 中華人民共和國國慶翌日 | Dia seguinte à Implantação da República Popular da China |
9th day of 9th moon (Lunar) | Chung Yeung Festival | 重陽節 | Chong Yeong (Culto dos Antepassados) |
November 2 | All Souls Day | 追思節 | Dia de Finados |
December 8 | Feast of the Immaculate Conception | 聖母無原罪瞻禮 | Imaculada Conceição |
December 20 | Macau Special Administrative Region Establishment Day | 澳門特別行政區成立紀念日 | Dia Commemorativo do Estabelecimento da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau |
December 21 or 22 | Winter solstice | 冬至 | Solstício de Inverno |
December 24 | Christmas Eve | 聖誕節前日 | Véspera de Natal |
December 25 | Christmas Day | 聖誕節 | Natal |
December 31 | New Year's Eve | 元旦前夕 | Véspera de Ano-Novo |
See also
[edit]- Executive Order No. 60/2000 (in Chinese and in Portuguese) via the Oficial Bulletin No. 40/2000