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jv-1 Cut me some slack, Jack! This here chump can hang loose wit yo Jive rap.

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Who I Am

  • Name: Jay Santos
  • Age: 18; birthdate March 3rd, 1987
  • Location: Los Angeles, California
  • Gender: Male
  • Education: High School Graduate (Brentwood School). Incominging freshman, Princeton University.

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Garlic (Allium sativum) is a species of bulbous flowering plants in the genus Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chives, Welsh onion, and Chinese onion. It is native to Central Asia, South Asia, and northeastern Iran. It has long been used as a seasoning and culinary ingredient worldwide, with a history of several thousand years of human consumption and use, including use in traditional medicine. It was known to ancient Egyptians and other ancient cultures for which its consumption has had a significant culinary cultural impact, especially across the Mediterranean region and across parts of Asia. It is produced globally, but the largest producer is China, which produced 73% of the world's supply of garlic in 2021. This photograph shows a bulb and cloves of garlic, and was focus-stacked from 37 individual images.Photograph credit: Ivar Leidus
Template call Result Effect
{{flag|BRA}}  BRA Displays flag icon and abbreviation.
{{flagicon|ARG}} Argentina Displays only icon, no text label. Mouseover hover shows name of country.
{{flagcountry|ITA}}  Italy Displays icon with common name of country.